What Are Qualified Insurance Leads and Why Should You Buy Them?

Everywhere insurance sales professionals turn these days - whether it is while they are online, sorting through mail, or at a convention - there likely will be someone attempting to sell insurance and financial services leads.

Given that there are many lead generation companies focusing on the insurance and financial sales industry, how do insurance professionals make an informed decision about which lead generation company to choose?

Unfortunately, a number of lead generation companies that are offering to sell you great life insurance and 401(k) leads are simply just peddling computer-generated, data-aggregated mailing lists. Sometimes, these lists have actually been purchased from another lead generation company and are now being re-sold to unsuspecting insurance professionals.

These types of leads are not considered qualified. How does an insurance professional know what constitutes a real qualified insurance lead? While a lead is the contact information of someone who may be interested in purchasing your insurance and financial products, a qualified lead has had its information verified. Experienced professionals who work at lead generation companies actually make phone calls directly to the prospect to ensure that lead's contact information is current and correct, and that these are indeed the people who would have the desire and ability to purchase your insurance services.

Then there is the matter of exclusivity. Even a qualified lead is devalued if it has been sold to ten different insurance agents. With an exclusive lead generation company, the leads will remain exclusive to you for a set period of time (ex: 45 days), when no other agent will be sold that information.

This guarantees that you do not get stuck in a "bidding war" with other agents over your prospect. In the case of exclusive leads, your insurance and financial products will be bought based on the value they bring to the prospect - not bought based on the fact that you were able to squeeze out the lowest price.

Purchasing insurance leads - especially exclusive, qualified leads - saves insurance professionals time and money. This enables insurance agents to focus on selling their products instead of wasting valuable time tracking down prospects, hoping that the information is correct and that they were first in line - ahead of other agents. For prospects to convert into paying clients, insurance agents must purchase qualified, exclusive leads. This ensures that the data is accurate and that the lead has not been passed through hundreds of agents before it reaches you.