Insurance Professional Tips - Sales Letter Writing Like an Insurance Pro

An insurance professional talks, acts, writes, and make sales like a pro. To elevate your level to insurance pro, these tips guide you to increase sales letter writing response by 30%. You will be shown, besides letter writing, how to motivate your prospects to transform them into buyers. Learn the insurance professional walk and talk.

Increasing replies for an insurance pro is more than a feather in their hat. When an insurance sales letter writing brings a great response the reward is a higher income. The entire progression of insurance direct marketing is to procure leads starting from receptive prospect replies. I am not chatting to you regarding cheap leads from prospects that counter a response to just about letter that converts to a flying paper airplane. It is pounding action verbs into your insurance sales letter writing that nails down favorable replies.

Writing a letter for your sales piece can be a grueling process. Rewrite it again by swapping words and phrases, so it sounds smoother. Presume a response rate of one half of a percent to one percent is normally respectable. Increasing this amount by 30% gives insurance brokers agents a great return on the money they are spending (investing on themselves). Also I am taking for granted that you, like an insurance professional, uses refined and carefully selected mailing list. This maximizes the ratio of prospects you can close. On a 5,000 piece insurance sales letter mailer, you should attain possession of 25 to 50 lead opportunities to close sales.


If rewriting your letter one final time could boost your response rate 30%, would you elect to execute a final letter draft.? The answer is "yes", then "but how"? I assure you, undertaking properly placed action verbs will sprout higher yielding results. You are cleverly combining emotional motivation while aiming the leads trigger directly at your prospect. Acquiring inspiring action verbs is rather simple. In fact, provided free at the end of this article are 100 action verbs. These are key verbs triggering your clients inner emotions and implementing responses to your letter.

An insurance pro can transform 50% to 90% of the lead responses into sales. In this instance, at least 14 additional money making leads could easily result in seven more profitable business dealings. The added replies alone compensate lead acquisition expenditures. Plus extra sales reap long term benefits. Inserting action verbs to your sales piece bears record breaking results. This in turn, escalates new sales volume to the top level.

All this, just by self-injecting action verbs, when rewriting your dynamic insurance sales letter. Your exceptional lead productive writing is led by adding action verbs. It's that simple.

Here is a list of the first action verbs.

Focus, forecast, stun, harvest, advance, surprise, grab, hustle, identify, gesture, evaluate, icy, appoint, approve, arouse, inherit, assume, attacking, automate, master, backtrack, bait, bang, blending, brag, kick, capitalize, capture, celebrate, certify, mobilize, reinvent, honor, cheer, interject, cinch, thrill, clench, cling, incite, coax, intervene, combine, impress, compare, flash, halt, jolt, help, illuminate, and shining.

The remainder of the action verbs list sample follows.

Launch, gallop, congratulate, jam, conserve, ignite, link, consult, investigate, contribute, leap, increase, convey, invade, howl, counseled, crunch, illustrate, decrease, deliver, delve, manipulate, design, mandate, detail, imagine, develop, magnify, diffuse, liberate, license, discover, leverage, display, dissected, gamble, diversify, manhandle, holler, dream, isolate. economize, echo, elaborate, knockout, humble, encourage, energize, hiss, enhance, and maximize.

Accomplishing the Mission

Now starts the challenge of professional champions. Take the initiative on elevating skyhigh the interest in your insurance sales letter. You must add startling eye-to eye headlines that will start your prospect's mind spinning. Ordinary and dull reading will instantly get your sales message pitched in the dirty disgusting trash. Everything should get a complete makeover. Your whole sales letter must come alive to force your reader into a trance to read on. This task involves enthralling sub-headlines, dreamful benefits, and a captivating call to action Then a final irresistible P.S. message to lock in replies for your sales letter writing.