When financial troubles have grown to a degree that managing them has become a real challenge, the search for a practical solution must begin in earnest. Meeting payment obligations regularly may have become too difficult, but what can be done? The availability of debt consolidation loans for bad credit borrowers provides one route out of the financial quagmire.
Consolidation is all about bringing together all of the existing debts and clearing them all at once. This basically means that the troublesome debts are removed and replaced by a single, more manageable debt. The motivation behind clearing existing debts in this way is that it effectively lifts the pressure immediately.
But there are conditions to getting a debt consolidation loan, even if it is designed to benefit those of us in very poor financial positions, and with very poor credit ratings. And qualifying for the right program from the right lender is crucial to ensuring the success of the strategy. But what options are there?
Advantages Of Consolidation Loans
There is no doubt that taking out debt consolidation loans for bad credit management purposes is a wise move. When repaying existing loans becomes too difficult, many people opt for bankruptcy, but this decision comes with severe consequences.
Unlike bankruptcy, clearing existing debts through consolidation does not result in a black mark being put against your name. Your credit is not removed for 2 years, and it is possible to seek other loans immediately (though this is not advised). Crucially, there is no stigma attached with consolidation.
There are practical advantages too. The fact that the debts are cleared means that the credit scores is improved, which means better terms for future loans. And with lower interest and a longer repayment terms, the monthly repayments on the debt consolidation loan are low, freeing up extra funds for other bills.
Alternatives To Consolidation
While choosing debt consolidation loans for bad credit management is an effective method of dealing with debts, there are other options out there. However, they have various positives and negatives that should be considered.
For example, a payday loan can be used when debts are low, with lenders granting funds of no more than $1,500. The reason is that the loan is granted against an upcoming paycheck, so the loan needs to be kept as low as possible to allow repayment in one go.
When clearing existing debts, this might seem like a practical option, but while it can be affective it is also very expensive. The interest charged on the loan can be as high as 35%, and the repayment term can be as short as just 14 days. A debt consolidation loan is more reasonable.
Choosing A Consolidation Company
An alternative to getting a loan directly is to hire a debt consolidation company to take care of things. However, it is important when going through a professional service provider to get a debt consolidation loan for bad credit borrowers to watch out for unscrupulous operators.
A consolidation company will buy out the debt and then make a repayment arrangement with the borrower. However, there are extra costs to the interest charged, with a fee expected for the services provided by the company.
This is an effective way of clearing existing debts, but be wary of companies that seek an advanced payment of their fees. This is illegal under financial rules, so any such request is a clear sign not to sign the debt consolidation loan agreement.